
Welcome~IBCC Protech Inc., Shanghai
  Telephone Consultation:86- 21- 59511408            language: 中文    English

Company Profile

IBCC Industrieswas founded in 1983, with its headquarters located in Milwaukee US & Shanghai China, and 3 manufacturing operations in China (Shanghai, Ningbo and Xuzhou). We specialize in providing OEM customers with iron & steel casting, forging, and bar stock mechanical components. From raw material sourcing, high precision machining, quality control, to special heat treat, coating, assembly, logistics and warehousing, we adapt to customers’ changing needs with best cost, and provide one-stop solution to help them become more successful. The mechanical component markets we serve cover Heavy Truck, Construction Equipment, Material Handling, Oil and Gas, Pump & Valve, Hydraulic Motor and Robotics. We are proud to be the preferred and strategic supplier of many of our clients.

Our Mission

Helping original equipment manufacturers take advantage of cost reduction opportunities in Asia

Our Vision
To be recognized as the preferred source for highly engineered, quality assured mechanical components from Asia

Our Strategy Statement

IBCC will utilize our core competencies listed below to provide ever more sophisticated finish-machined, highly-engineered castings and forgings to large multi-national machinery makers seeking lower-cost components.

our proven and well-documented process for successfully transferring the manufacture of machinery components from advanced countries to Low Cost Countries

our extensive technical expertise in foundry, forging, and machining

our three wholly-owned machine shops in China

our unmatched network of qualified suppliers

IBCC will provide customer service and technical support from offices located in China, Europe, and North America to serve all of our customers worldwide.

IBCC can provide just-in-time delivery from local warehouses, enabling our customers to reduce procurement lead-times and inventory levels.

Our Quality Policy

IBCC is committed to involve everyone in the organization to enable us to be excellent in everything we do through continuous improvement of our  processes, products and services to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction.

Our Spirit

Involve Everyone / Build Excellence / Continuous Improvement / Customer Satisfaction

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