
Welcome~IBCC Protech Inc., Shanghai
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Recruit Operative

QA Engineer



                    1. Responsible for the preparation of the early work related to the quality work in the development process, and feedback the information to the quality department;

                    2. Responsible for new product control plan, inspection specification, and quality warning formulation and update.

                    3. Responsible for the periodic quality control capability analysis, statistics, quality anomaly analysis and improvement activities in the production process of new products;

                    4. Arbitration of unqualified products;

                    5. Responsible for customer complaints and return investigation, cause analysis and improvement measures in the trial production of new products;

                    6. Establish and maintain the quality information in the production process, and make statistics, summary and analysis;

                    7. Communicate with customers and internal company on measurement skills and methods

                    8. Maintain continuous improvement. Organize relevant departments to correct and prevent the unqualified products and processes, and urge responsible departments to implement measures;

                    9. Assist quality supervisor to guide inspector test skills, quality problem, training, and interpretation of the analysis, enhance the level of inspector

                   10. Maintain the good operation of the quality system in the work of the company.

Qualification and ability requirements:

                   1. Bachelor degree in mechanical manufacturing or related field;

                   2. At least 3 years working experience in quality management; Familiar with quality analysis and statistic tools, such as FMEA, APQP, PPAP, SPC, 8-d, product audit, etc.

                   3. Familiar with all kinds of products and production technology requirements, master the mathematical statistics methods commonly used in quality work, use of gauges and inspection instruments.

                   4. Good written and oral communication skills, problem solving logical thinking, good at teamwork;

                   5. English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability;

                   6. Proficient in computer application;

                   7. Proficient in CAD and other drawing software.

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